The Weight of Glory

Faust's Bargain Debasement

Clayton Emmer & Kale Zelden Season 2 Episode 8

In this episode, Kale and I discuss the final pages of The Abolition of Man. In a world allegedly without objective values, what conditions the conditioners? Chesterton’s idea of play and rules providing freedom; the reality that a value-free neutrality does not exist; trans-humanism and post-humanism; the dismembering of nature and disenchantment;  the magician’s bargain: how the last step toward the abolition of man is unlike every prior step; the common ancestry of science and magic; how seeing through everything is the same as not to see.

The Abolition of Man - C.S. Lewis

After Humanity: A Guide to C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man - Michael Ward

Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari

Faustian bargain,

The Freedom of Boundaries in G.K. Chesterton - Zak Schmoll

Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 675-676:  "The Church's ultimate trial"

Intro: Hello and welcome to The Weight of Glory podcast. This is your host, Clayton Emmer.

The idea of this podcast is to explore some of the writings of C.S. Lewis.

This season, my friend Kale Zelden and I have been reading The Abolition of Man together and having a conversation as we go.

In the show notes for this episode, you'll find a link to the edition of the text we're reading from, along with other resources we mention along the way. 

Today, we discuss the final pages of The Abolition of Man.


Outro: Thanks for joining me for this episode of The Weight of Glory podcast.  The music in the introduction and close of this podcast is provided by Dennis Crommett. 

Until next time, be well and God bless.

The Abolition of Man - C.S. Lewis

After Humanity: A Guide to C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man - Michael Ward

Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 675-676:  "The Church's ultimate trial"

Faustian bargain,