The Weight of Glory

The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis

Clayton Emmer Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the Weight of Glory Podcast, an audio podcast designed to explore themes related to a sermon preached by C.S. Lewis seventy-eight years ago this week. The inaugural episode of the podcast is a reading of Lewis' essay.

Music for the podcast (Let It All Go from the acoustic album Already/Not Yet) has been provided through the generosity of Jeremy Casella (

Intro   0:00
Hello and welcome to The Weight of Glory podcast. My name is Clayton Emmer.

Some 25 years ago, I ran into this remarkable essay by C.S. Lewis entitled The Weight of Glory, and it became the title of my blog many years ago. And when I recently decided to relaunch my audio podcast, I decided to make it the title of that as well.

One of the central ideas of the essay is that our every encounter might lead someone toward beatitude or away from it: Something that C.S. Lewis speaks of as "the weight of my neighbor's glory."
So without much further explanation, I'd like this first episode to be simply a chance for you to hear the essay out loud. I also have a copy of the essay on my blog, which is

So without further ado, here's the essay by C.S. Lewis.


The Weight of Glory - C.S. Lewis   1:19


Outro    40:41
Thanks for joining me for this episode of The Weight of Glory podcast. The music for this podcast is provided by Jeremy Casella. You can learn more about his music over at or over in the show notes for this podcast.